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I'm Gonna Tell My Kids!!! Inu Etc

I have watched every (Yasss!) video of Sandeep Maheshwari and in 2017-18, it really helped me a lot to get rid of my suicidal thoughts. (Yeah, due to depression, dying dreams, and an unsupportive environment, I used to have suicidal thoughts.)⠀

Not only that, he is the man who have made me who I am today.⠀

I don't know how to thank him, I have no words to explain how grateful I'm and how much I respect this man! ♥⠀


Then @bhuvan.bam22 comes into my life, he was the lighter!⠀

I was unsure about the online money earning opportunities. He makes me realize that you can make money by doing almost anything. All you need to do is give your 100% to your passion and make an audience by showing your talent using the internet.⠀


Then this two mentor, @patflynn (Pat Flynn) and @neilpatel (Neil Patel) teaches me a lot about entrepreneurship, online business, marketing and blogging.⠀

Pat Flynn's blog, 'Smart Passive Income' was the first genuine passive income blog I found on the internet. When you are a beginner, google shows you the unreal ways to make money online and mostly scam sites when you search 'How to make money online' on Google.⠀

But thanks to Google, at least I found Pat Flynn's blog and Neil Patel's blog, I started reading their blogs and I also started watching their videos.⠀

Also, thanks to Harsh Agarwal, WP Beginner, and Brian Dean's blog Backlinko and lots of other blog that I found using Google. Backlinko helps me a lot on my journey, it teaches me marketing, SEO and copyrighting.⠀

P. S. I'm learning more!⠀


And last but not least, I found @GaryVee, a true hustler and a great mentor!⠀

He is a source of motivation and in fact some of his video slaps me so hard! 😂⠀


Well, there are other guys whom I follow & they inspire me a lot. Some of them are - @beerbiceps @patrickbetdavid @robertoblake @nomadicmatt @nasdaily @tanyakhanijow @siddharthajoshi and more!⠀



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