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Showing posts from March, 2024

My delicate flower! - A poem by Inu Etc

I’ll make you wear The chain of Spanish  cherry  flowers When it’s the season. I’ll give you  Shiuli  flowers In the month of October. I’ll give you dark red  roses Every single day. I’ll give you  Rajanigandha Behind your ear! All these are My favorite flowers! The fragrance, The beauty. I just love them! You’re my delicate flower, the cutest. Your fragrance, my favorite perfume. Your beauty never fades, Evergreen! But I wanna decorate you, my baby, With more blooms, Because, flowers flourish best in company. — Inu Etc 💚 If you loved what you read, would you be able to   buy me a cup of coffee?   Or purchase a copy of  Ups and Downs?  It’s okay if you can’t right now. If you have any questions or if you wanna  work with me , feel free to  contact me .  I’m always available to help young hustlers like you  @InuEtc  on Instagram. Keep hustling!