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কল্পনা। An Assamese Romantic,Thriller Story by Inu Etc

              চাৰিওফালে অন্ধকাৰ আৰু অন্ধকাৰ। এই অন্ধকাৰ ফালি দুডাল সৰলৰেখাৰ ওপৰেৰে আগুৱাই গৈছে নিশাৰ 'ট্ৰেইন'খন। ঘৰত মোৰ বিয়াৰ কথা বাৰ্তা চলি আছে। সেয়ে ঘৰ মানে গুৱাহাটীলৈ গৈ আছোঁ। কলকাতাৰ পৰা ট্ৰেইনত উঠিছো। মোৰ কোঠাটোত থকা মানুহকেইজনৰ লগত আড্ডা মাৰি ভালদৰেই সময়বোৰ পাৰ কৰিলো। কিন্তু সকলোবোৰ এটা এটাকৈ নামি যোৱাত মই বৰ অকলশৰীয়া হৈ পৰিলো। নিশাৰ অন্ধকাৰে মোক গ্ৰাহ কৰি পেলালে।                  মই নামিম একেবাৰে শেষ ষ্টেশনত।সেয়ে ভাৱিলো এঘুমটি মাৰি লওঁ। কিয়নো শেষ ৰাতিহে মই মোৰ গন্তব্য স্থান পাম। নিদ্ৰাদেৱীৰ কোলাত অলপ সময় শুইছিলোহে, হঠাৎ জোৰকৈ দিয়া জোকাৰণি এটাৰে ট্ৰেইনখন ৰৈ গ'ল। কিবা এটা বুজি পোৱাৰ আগতেই দেখা পালোঁ এজনী ছোৱালী ট্ৰেইনখনলৈ উঠি আহিল। এন্ধাৰ বাবে ছোৱালীজনীক ভালকৈ দেখা নাপালো। ট্ৰেইনখন আকৌ চলিবলৈ ধৰিলে। মই আকৌ ভয়েই খাইছিলো। ডকাইতৰ দলেই ট্ৰেইনখন ৰখালে কিজানি! এই ঠাইখনত প্ৰায়ে বোলে ডকাইতে ট্ৰেইন ৰখাই ট্ৰেইনৰ মানুহক হাৰাশাস্তি কৰে।              যিয়েই নহওক ট্ৰেইন খন আকৌ চলিব ধৰাত ময়ো যেন বাচি গলো ভাৱেৰে স্বস্তিৰ নিশাহ এটা এৰি দিলো। এইবোৰ ভাৱি থাকোতেই কাষতে বহা ছোৱাল
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My delicate flower! - A poem by Inu Etc

I’ll make you wear The chain of Spanish  cherry  flowers When it’s the season. I’ll give you  Shiuli  flowers In the month of October. I’ll give you dark red  roses Every single day. I’ll give you  Rajanigandha Behind your ear! All these are My favorite flowers! The fragrance, The beauty. I just love them! You’re my delicate flower, the cutest. Your fragrance, my favorite perfume. Your beauty never fades, Evergreen! But I wanna decorate you, my baby, With more blooms, Because, flowers flourish best in company. — Inu Etc 💚 If you loved what you read, would you be able to   buy me a cup of coffee?   Or purchase a copy of  Ups and Downs?  It’s okay if you can’t right now. If you have any questions or if you wanna  work with me , feel free to  contact me .  I’m always available to help young hustlers like you  @InuEtc  on Instagram. Keep hustling!

Stubborn Hairs! by Inu Etc

I so badly Crave to touch my lips To your forehead. I’ll sweep away Those stubborn hairs of yours With my hands. Nothing has the right To hide The ethereal beauty Of your innocent face. - Inu Etc 💚 If you loved what you read, would you be able to buy me a cup of coffee? Or purchase a copy of Ups and Downs? It’s okay if you can’t right now. If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me , feel free to contact me . I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram. Keep hustling!

জোনাক হৈ আহা। - An Assamese romantic poem by Inu Etc

এন্ধাৰ মোৰ জীৱনত জোনাক হৈ আহা। মোক মাথোঁ সাহস দিয়া।   আন একো নেলাগে মোক অনুপ্ৰেৰণা হৈ আহা তুমি। আকুৱালি ল'ম তোমাক, আগুৱাই যাম এই জটিল পথ, তোমাৰ হাতত ধৰি। তুমি মোৰ জোনাক। কেতিয়াবা নিশা যেতিয়া অশ্ৰু নিগৰে মই বিচাৰিম কাষত তোমাক তুমি মোক সাৱটি ল'বা  মোৰ চকুলো মচি দিবা আৰু ক'বা, "এই পগলা ল'ৰা, চোৱা মই তোমাৰ জোনাক হৈ আহিছোঁ, নাকান্দিবা!" Inu Etc (3 June 23)

2000 kilometers! by Inu Etc

On a moving train at midnight, Suddenly, I had an anxiety attack. I’m fighting against some huge monsters, While traveling 2000 kilometers. 29 July 2022 💚 If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me , feel free to contact me .

I’m in love with an imaginary girl - Inu Etc

Yeah, the title is true and I’m absolutely fine! Two years have passed since I suffered my worst heartbreak. My life was really hard during that time. It was the toughest year of my life. I was already depressed, lost, and away from work. Without even working, I was earning a small passive income through and I was okay with it. Prior to the breakup, I founded Zillion Media. I had a team of ten young hustlers. However, I lost my entire team as well. The leader of the team was demotivated, how would they work without the proper guidance? A few months after my breakup, I had a bike accident. For almost a month, I was on bed rest. My best friend was there for me, and my parents supported me throughout my journey. Music and books were there too. The process of moving on took almost two years. However, I don’t hate her, and I don’t hate ‘love’ either. During the past two years, I waited for her, but now I have moved on. Yeah, almost. Trying my best is all I can do. I am alwa

It's raining here - Inu Etc

Darkness reigns, I'm all alone, Swordless! This hot big smoke Is new to me This is my second week Away from home! Every night, I sit on the balcony. As I gaze at the sky, I see stars. I see the moon. Yesterday, I saw a shooting star, While closing my eyes, I murmured, "I wanna cry, I need the rain I wanna hide my tears I wanna cry with the rain" Tonight, The sky is dark. Ah, I feel it A breath of fresh, cold air! And finally, It's raining here. And here I'm Sitting in the rain. Crying With the rain. Reminiscing My first love! Yes, Even now, I miss my Juliet! Inu Etc (17 June 22, Chandigarh)